How do I Lose these Excess Body Weight and keep it off?
After having my 4th child, I found out that I had gained 20 kilos (44 pounds) of Excess Body Weight. Each of my 4 children must have brought a luggage of 5 kg (11 pounds) on their journey to planet earth and left it with me.
What was I going to do? as this had started affecting my mood, my temper, knee joints, my waist, eyesight, my sex & sleep patterns to mention just a few.
I asked myself this question for a long time because nobody including myself wants to follow a diet!!!
Are your weight loss results not sustainable long-term? Or are you struggling to even shed those excess kilos in the first place? Have you been losing and gaining it all back?
If you have been trying to fit into those skinny jeans or have been turning down dinner dates because you are way bigger than your clothes, then, this post is for you.
You will learn how to take care of yourself, so you feel confident once again in your own skin (and those skinny jeans & dinner dresses too) and keep it off permanently.
Reasons for going on a Diet
When people choose to go on a diet, it’s usually due to certain health conditions like obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, to name a few.
Dieting is a change in eating habits, for healthier options, realizing that your eating habits may have landed you in this predicament to begin with.
Fortunately, all the different diets available have one thing in common – to help you achieve weight loss through as being overweight leads to most other health complications and ultimately, death.
A diet for summer might work for the swimsuit season, but if you don’t strengthen your foundations before you lose weight, those skinny jeans won’t fit when fall rolls around.
Why do Diets fail to give sustainable results?
You’ve probably bought into the propaganda that says you’ve failed at dieting; a different – and more accurate – way of looking at it is that the weight loss diet has failed you.
This is because most diets focus on short-term changes that result in temporary weight loss, but never tackle the underlying factors that make you put on the kilos to begin with.
In other words, they focus only on the “outside” problem – your body – and neglect everything below the surface – your emotions, your intellect, and your relationships.
Another cause of failure in a diet is to be very strict with what you have to eat. Your body is not something that reacts mathematically especially when it comes to counting calories.
Factors that affect Body Weight results:-
- Your body’s retention of liquids – some body weight may just be an increase in body water levels due retained liquid from pizza or another very salted food ingested the previous night
- Intestinal evacuation – results obtained before using the toilet may be slightly higher
- The time in which you weigh yourself – it is advised to check your weight at exactly the same time you checked it the last time
- if you began with an intense activity the previous day.
Weight loss expectations
Frequently we set unrealistic expectations (to lose 1 kilo every week) and if in one week nothing happens, frustration sets in which may lead to most people giving up with their plan.
We all seek to lose weight as fast and easily as possible, and on top of that, we want results right away. And if we don’t get them, we just quit and move along.
Your weight loss goal must be reasonable and reachable. A study stated that when people lower 500g per week, those people maintain a long term continuous reduction.
It is best to bear in mind that a steady weight loss over a period is great and the knowledge that some weeks you may not lose weight.
Fortunately, it is possible for you to lose excess body weight in a short period but you must be ready to work extra hard to achieve this result.
Exercise and Weight loss
The human body has over 600 muscles, all intended to work as one complete and complimentary system. Traditional exercise programs have neglected the majority of these muscles by training in a one-dimensional environment.
Training in a fixed plane environment leads to isolated results, muscle imbalance, and injury.
In contrast, the whole body approach to resistance training prepares participants of any fitness level to achieve great improvements in body composition and function better in daily life as well.
This method is fun because it is a whole body approach. The same movement patterns that we used as children (pushing, pulling, twisting, lunging, squatting, stepping and balance in multiple planes) are the core of your approach to fat loss.
From beginners to the most advanced exercise fanatics, this approach to fat loss and fitness will provide fun and effective workouts and lasting results.
The only way that the human body drops body fat is by being in calorie deficit, according to the LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, which states that if you eat more calories in a day than you burn, you will gain fat.
If you burn more calories in a day than you eat, you will lose fat and if you eat the same amount of calories in a day as you burn, you will remain constant.
Finally, regardless of how great your workout is, your Food intake is the key factor that will determine either your success or failure as far as body weight loss goes.
It is possible to just exercise and lose weight, but sooner or later, you will not lose any more weight without having to change your eating habits as well.
5 tips to Fitting into your Dinner dress again
1. Start your day right –
The first thing that enters your mouth sets the tone for your day. What is the first thing that enters your stomach each and every morning? or whenever you wake up from a long sleep?
The best way to kick-start your metabolism (in order to burn fat) and help your liver flush out toxins (detox), is to drink a cup of hot/ warm water.
Adding a slice of lemon/ teaspoon of lemon juice, ginger, cinnamon, aloe and honey comes with added benefits due to their anti-oxidant properties.
. To download your free copy of these tips, click here
2. Ditch the white stuff –
Eating lots of refined added sugar can cause you headaches, low energy levels and inflammation.
Imagine your tummy’s reaction when you start your day with sugar in your coffee and a muffin?
Sugar packs lots of calories of no nutritional value, so, losing weight and keeping it off will become increasingly easier when you kick this habit.
Moderation is the name of this game. The biggest offenders are Pies, ice-cream, doughnuts, energy drinks, candies etc.
When the inflammation caused by sugar is removed, your body will regain its ability to focus and improved energy levels. Up for a weekend hike?
3. Move the Poo –
when you are trying to lose weight quickly, it’s advisable to feed your body with natural foods it can digest and say ‘No’ to anything that comes sealed in either a packet or a can.

Whole foods come naturally with fiber which keeps your gut bacteria healthy while promoting overall healthy fat loss.
This is because Fiber as little as 30 grams/day decreases your blood pressure and appetite & improves your body’s response to insulin.
Examples of high fiber foods are non-starchy vegetables (spinach, green beans, baby corn), avocados, nuts and oats.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?…grab your free
4. Watch the Flow –
The first step in the process of metabolizing fat in the body (lipolysis) is called Hydrolysis which occurs when water molecules interact with fats to form glycerol and fatty acids.
Hot water especially, breaks down fat and mobilizes them to the molecules to be used up as energy. Apart from helping to flush out toxins, water is a key requirement by every organ and system of your body.
To help you drink more water, keep a glass near your bed, add fruits as flavor if you find it hard drinking 2 liters a day, and eat more soups & liquid-rich meals (curries, stews, fruits, smoothies).
By the way, where is my cup of water?
5. The 80/ 20% rule –
this means 80% Nutrition and 20% Exercise /physical activity. In your weight loss journey, your 80% chance of success depends on the food you eat while 20% depends on your physical activity (how much you move around).
Have you heard of the statement “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet”? That’s why as soon as you are no longer consistent with your exercise, you gain all the lost weight back.
A high protein meal not only nourishes and heals your cells, it keeps you full for longer periods of time, which cuts down cravings.
My question to you is “What did you have for breakfast today?” Let me know in the comments section. If you need faster results, then don’t forget to grab your copy of
Types of Exercises for Weight loss
This is a list of exercises you can perform on your own, without gym equipment and mostly from the comfort of your home.
- Walking – is a popular form of exercise because it requires very little in terms of equipment or facilities. Extra 20 minutes moderate walking each day will burn off about 7 pounds of body fat per year
- Jogging / Running – without investing in any equipment, you are able to cover greater distances in a shorter period of time during a jog, thereby burning lots of calories
- Swimming – is a very popular form of regular exercise and due to the water resistance, the amount of energy you need to swim is greater than what you need to walk the same distance
- Cycling – is an excellent form of aerobic exercise when done continuously as it develops your thigh muscles
- Rope skipping/ jumping – can be a great form of workout when performed at a slow or moderate pace regularly over a period of time.
The key to effective weight loss is through the use of healthy exercise program which is performed on a regular basis, while following a healthy Nutritional Meal plan such as this.